Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tortang Ampalaya

2 ampalaya ( Bitter Melon )
2 cups ground pork
1 carrot, diced
1 small onion
3 cloves garlic
1 small red or green bell pepper, diced
3 tbsp tomato sauce
1/4 cup raisins
3 eggs
1 cup flour
cooking oil
salt and pepper 


1. Heat up oil in a pan and saute garlic and onion, add the ground pork and cook for about 15 minutes stirring now and then.

2. Add the diced carrot, bell pepper and tomato sauce let it cook for another 10 minutes.

3. Add the raisins. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Set aside.

4. Cut the ampalaya and boil them until tender. Using a spoon remove the core of the ampalya.
5. Mix one egg to the pork mixture before filling the ampalaya.

6. Fill the ampalya with the pork mixture. Coat ampalya with flour then dip it in egg and roll it again in flour.
7. Fry the ampalya until golden brown.

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