Monday, August 15, 2011

Paksiw na Pata

Happy Monday everyone! Its exam week again....pressure...pressure....pressure.... aside from doing the usual chores I also need to tutor the kids for their first quarter exam. I am saving my energy for my tutorial session that is why I prepared a simple dish for lunch. I decided to cooked paksiw na pata. In this recipe,  I added extra ingredient just for a twist of flavor. I used pineapple chunks and its juice for a change.  I run out of banana blossom so i just omitted it. You don't need a lot of preparation for this dish, make sure to simmer the pork well.

You will need:
1 pata pork
soy sauce 
brown sugar
pineapple chunks
bay leaf


  1. Boil the meat with water, soy sauce, vinegar, bay leaf and the juice of pineapple. 
  2. Lower heat and allow to simmer until very tender.
  3. Add the brown sugar.

     4. When almost cook add the pineapple chunks. Serve and enjoy!

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